Founded in 1924 by Margarette Oliver Golding, Inner Wheel is one of the largest voluntarily working woman organisations worldwide. There are 3895 I.W. clubs working with 103,000 members in 103 countries. The organisation is governed by the Executive Committee of 5 elected members and 16 elected Board Directors.The Objectives of Inner Wheel are to promote true friendship, to encourage the ideas of personal service, to foster International understanding.
Any woman who shares the three central aims of I.W. can join the organisation. Members achieve these aims through club events, which combine personal sevice, fund-raising, fellowship and fun, united by friendship and a common aim to servet he local community.
IW District 244 was formed with five clubs by Deniz Özhun, in 2009. The five clubs were İzmir IW Club. Konak IW Club. Ege Iw Club, Pamukkale IW Club and İmbaat IW Club.
IW Club Imbat was closed in 2013. Consequently, IW Club Atakent was formed the same year.
The District 244 Chairmen are as follows:
2009-2011 Deniz Özhun
2011-2012 Verda Yemişçi
2012-2013 Gülseren User
2013-2014 Sümer Erdinç
2014-2015 Gülgün Dolunay
2015-2016 Abide Saraçoğlu
2016-2017 Sara Pardo
2017-2018 İclal Kardıçalı
2018-2019 Özge İşcan
2019-2020 Tuna Özgiller