HPV Project For University Students
The Project has been planned to raise the awareness of the Ege University students aboutHPV and vaccinate 20 of them as the vaccinationis not yet supplied by the Turkish government for free.
Vaccination process has been handled with the help of Ege Inner Wheel members ; Professor of Medicine, Ms. Ege Tavmergen Goker and Pharmacologist Özlem Sayıner. Three doses of vaccination have been completed in January, March and June 2022.
Approximately 120 Ege University Students have joined the educational zoom meetings presented by Aysun Doğan, Professor of Psychology. Thesemeetings have been open to the 244 District Inner Wheel Members. Ms. Doğan, has talked about the types of HPV, indications of the disease, vaccination and the psycological aspects of beingsick or transferring the disease, how it projects on the family and social life.
After the message of the Inner Wheel President Ebe Martines, calling for the clubs worldwide to increase the awareness on HPV, Ms. Bijen Tösgel, President of the İzmir Inner Wheel Club for 2021-2022 has contacted the President of the Ege Club to widen the ongoing project with sincere and kind regards of two clubs joining their force would be better for the women of İzmir. Ms. Bijen Tösgel’s great idea of organizing wide spread meetings for the mothers of the teenagers has accelerated the project which has been indeed very exciting and happy news for the members of both clubs.
Ms. Bijen Tösgel, has immeadiately organized an informative zoom meeting about the HPV, for the District 244 IW members on January, 5. She has called Dr. Şebnem Altunyurt, Gynecologist, a new member of the İzmir Inner Wheel Club as the speaker. Dr. Altunyurt has briefly explained the medical aspects of the HPV and vaccination. 40 members of the District 244 have joined the meeting.
National Representative Siren Toksoy has represented Ege Inner Wheel’s HPV Project to the International IW 2021-2022 President EbeMartines and afterwards this project has been regarded as the first National Project of Ege Inner Wheel Club.
Project details were published on the Monthly Bulletin of the International Inner Wheel.
HPV Project will continue during the 2022-2023 term.
This process has been supported by İzmir Inner Wheel Club and the 2021-2022 president of the club Bijen Tösgel with the help of the head of Design Department Prof. Elvan Özkavruk Adanır and Prof. Can Özcan from Ege University in İzmir.
İzmir Inner Wheel Club members have made sincere efforts to accomplish cooperation between Gitaş ( Association of women entrepreneurs) founded in the region of District 222 Alasia North Cyprus and Berrin Arguhan, president of Aliağa Cooperative in Aliağa İzmir.
İzmir Inner Wheel Club has gifted 6 rug weaving looms to Aliağa for the Helvacı rug project and has visited Aliağa 4 times observing the work being done and will continue to support this project in the year of 2022-2023.
From Smyrna to Izmir & Efes-Bergama
In 2011-12 term, proposed by Ege IWC member Sara Pardo, a prject was developed for children, to improve the consciousness of the city they live in. IW members of all clubs of D.244, narrated the history of Smyrna dating back to 8000 B.C. with slides and amusing tales to primary school students. In 2013-14 Sara Pardo wrote tales for two other ancient Aegean cities Ephesus and Pergamum. The Project continues to improve the knowledge of the past and how to protect it.